
SurRealLife  the anatomy of a rose  

SurReaLIFE is a choreograpic performative work with new composed champer music for 3 dancers & 3 musicians

The work is an audio-visual observation of the exalted and abased body used as an object -

exploered and experienced processually through eroticized and anthropological approaches and perspectives


Fragments and realizes

Through eyes of flesh and blood

A bullfighter challenges a rose

Disgust and pleasure reflect one another

Red lips sparkle on the white skin - And the green grass laughs

Power and powerless consume each other

And an ecstasy trails dark traces behind of emptiness

A body tattoos itself - within itself

The eye is a mouth – a wound

A whole world that breathes in and out

in a scream silenced - within a body

Fetishism in anthropology refers to the belief that godly powers can exist in an object (derived from Latin facticius artificial)

Essentially, fetishism is the attribution of religious or mystical qualities to an object. An object that believed to have

supernatural powers, in particular, to a man-made object. Blood is often included as a particularly powerful fetish or ingredient

in fetishes, other objects and substances, such as bones, fur, claws, feathers and stones are common fetishes in the traditions

of cultures worldwide. Theories of sexual, political and material fetishism outside what was typically considered religion were

introduced as concepts in the 19th century. Excerpt from wikipedia

Choreography & Staging Camilla Stage

Composer Ejnar Kanding

Performance & Dance & movment material contibution Victoria May, Ole Birger Hansen & Jean Hugues Miredin

Live Mucians Ejnar Kanding computer/sound direction, Arendse Dalgaard violin, Fritz Gerhard Berthelsen clarinet

Light design Michael Breiner

Costume & Set design Alice Jacobsen & Camilla Stage

Assistant Gerd Schottländer

Consultent Irene W. Stage

Production manager Rasmus Eeg Sylvest/ Lys Fix

Light & stage operator Jeppe Volkmann

Graphic Louise Døssing

Production Living Creatures/ Ulla Boeg Nielsen PR , Lars Vind- Andersen, Paw Petersen & Assistent Rune Monsted

Photo Alice Jacobsen & Freddy Thornberg

Venue Den Anden Opera Cph DK 2005

Less is More Contemporena by composer Einar Kanding launched a new concept of miniature concerts with a duration

of 20 minutes of newly composed music in continuation of the performance periode supported by Augustinus Fonden

Financial Support  Kunstrådets Udvalg for Teater, Nationalbankens Jubilæumsfond,Toyota Fonden, Nordea Danmark Fonden,

Prins Joachim og Prinsesse Alexandras Fond & Københavns Kommune.

Ejnar Kanding Composer