SUITE of TOUCH a baroque ornamented DanceConcert

A suite for 7 dance artists and 3 musicians playing live on baroque instruments

Skin is the largest organ in our bodies and sends touch sensations to our brains

Some sience reseach even claims that to be touched is almost as essential as to breathe.................

We are affected by touch

To be touched physically gives emotional reactions likewise to be emotionally touched can give physical reactions

In encounters where we touch and we get touched, we are emotionally moved - excited, nervous, anxious, joyful, calm and satisfied

We connect through touch and movement

Together with music consultant Mogens Rasmussen, the musicians and the dancers Camilla Stage presents a suite of

sophisticated ornamental dances in a close interaction with the expressive live baroque music composed by Marin Marais and

Monsieur de Sainte-Colombe. An ornamented suite that sensory – room by room, touch by touch – creates the performance and its

changeable and playful patterns of touches and movements.

Choreography & Staging Camilla Stage

Contribution to the movement material & danced by

Jan Vesala, Jean Hugues-Miredin, Jordi Puigdefàbregas Serra, Maria Naidu, Miguel Cortes, Susanne Judson, Tomomi Yamauchi

Musicians Babett Hartmann harpsichord, Dohyo Sol theorbe, Mogens Rasmussen viola de gamba

Music consultant Mogens Rasmussen & Musikalsk coordinator Irene Werner Stage

Costumes Camilla Stage & Trine Walther

Lighting design Antonio Rodrigues-Andersen

Tone master & sound processing Mikkel Gemzøe

PR/communikation Peter Lyth

Fundraising Camilla Stage

Video docoumentation Adam Rieber

Video-trailer Petri & Kleinhout

Photo Thomas Petri

Premier Venue  STORE SCENE Dansehallerne Carlsberg & Riddersalen Rosenborg Slot  2015 Cph DK

Open audience events
Music in the baroque period

The musician Mogens Rasmussen spoke about the music in the baroque period, the music selection for the performance and the baroque instruments
Artist talk

Camilla Stage and all the dancers talked about the process and creation of the performance and the audience had the opportunity to ask questions

Financial Support  Statens Kunstfond projektstøtteudvalg for Scenekunst, Nordea-fonden, Bikubenfonden,Tuborgfonde,

Knud Højgaard Fond, Københavns Kommune