Passenger & I wish I were your BIRD

Choreographer Camilla Stage & the band Windermere

Passenger & I wish I were your BIRD - A double program

I wish I were your BIRD

I wish I were your BIRD - A violent romance

A new interpretation of Shakespeare's great love tragedy Romeo and Juliet

O blessed night! I am afraid being in night,

O brawling love! O loving hate!

O any thing, of nothing createdC

O heavy lightness! Serious vanity!

Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms!

My bounty is as boundless as the sea,

My love as deep: The more I give to thee,

The more I have, for both are infinitive,

O blessed night! I am afraid being in night,

all this is but a dream,

Too flattering sweet to be substantial.
......O brawling love! O loving hate!
......O brawling love! O loving hate!

I wish I were your BIRD - A violent romance

is a Dark Dead DanceConcert for 11 dancers &  the shoegaze/post-rockband Windermere live on stage

The universe is dramatic and chaotic – the light is grim and the darkness tender

The earth is reflected in the sky

The lovers are both attracted and anxiousat their fatal love encounters

Immersive and embracing opener the starry night in the all-encompassing earthen tomb as Romeo and Juliet begin their

perilous journeymeeting, a love journey that is poisonous and deadly from the start

The DanceConcert is a visually moving journey and immersion in Shakespeare's metaphorical and sometimes ambiguous universe,

based on the great classic of the Western world - the love tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.

In Camilla Stage's reinterpretation of the story Romeo and Juliet, she separates the couple from their familial conflicts

and frees the lovers from their symbol of eternal, innocent youthful love to instead present Romeo and Juliet as two earthly individuals,

fused yet separated under the great consuming starry night

Choreography & Staging Camilla Stage

Composers, Sound designs & Live Music  Windermere

Dance & contribution to the movement material  I wish I were your BIRD - A violent romance

Jean Hugues Miredin, Victoria May, Ane Fjeldstrup, Malene Natalie Larsen, Camilla Skovgaard, Vidar Hansen , Niklas Levin,

Johanne Hestbech Dam, Sidsel Halberg, Christina Straby Brethvad, Anne Sejersdal Nielsen

Live Musicians Jakob Skjoldborg vokal, bas, Kim Oxlund guitar, synth, Hans Kjelstrup guitar, Thomas Schultz-Hansen trommer.

Light design Peter Glatz

Costume Maria Selmer

Set design Camilla Stage

PR & Administration Ulla Boeg Nielsen & John Bruun


Photo Freddy Tornberg

Premier Venue  Dansescenen Cph DK 2006

Financial Support  Statens Kunstrådets scenekunstudvalg, Statens Kunstfond, Kunstrådets Pulje for talentudvikling for moderne dans,

Toyota Fonden, Carlsbergs Mindelegat for Brygger J.C. Jacobsen,  Dansk Musiker Forbund, Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968,

Konsul George Jorck & Hustru Emma Jorck´s Fond, Overretssagfører L. Zeuthens Mindelegat og Københavns Kulturfond.

Open audience events

The dance and the living creatures
A visual and verbal insight into Camilla Stage's choreographic work. Lecture by Aline Storm, M.Sc. in English and the aesthetics and history of dance.