George Bataille



Camilla Stage





en bevægelsesceremoni

Inspireret af George Batailles novelle Madame Edwarda

iscenesat af koreografen

Camilla Stage


Al erotik er hellig - siger den franske filosof Bataille

Nøgent som et dyr siger Madame Edwarda

Scenen er hellig, kroppen er på en gang fornedret og ophøjet, en ceremoni finder sted,

erotiske erfaringer transcenderes tragisk, berusende og grotesk.

Vil Gud få lov til at være til stede her ?



a movement ceremony

Inspired by George Bataille's novel Madame Edwarda

staged by choreographer

Camilla Stage

All eroticism is holy - say the French philosopher Bataille

Naked as an animal says Madame Edwarda

The scene is sacred, the body is at once abased and exalted, a ceremony takes place,

erotic experience transcended tragic, intoxicating and grotesque.

Will God be allowed to be here?

In George Bataille's novel, we meet the horny male and the prostitutes naked woman who inappropriate declares that she is GOD ........ She disappears into the night's emptiness, the man follows her. The story then evolves into a ritual drama in which there is mutilation, worship, blasphemy, sacrifice, ecstasy and death, but also an opening to another world.

It is in this opening choreographer Camilla Stage will examine and transform Bataille's mystical story to the stage space, not as a narrative story but as experience and lessons learned based on the novel lens heartbreaking content.


15th - 29th May 2008
Monday - Saturday 8.00pm

Dansescenen, Øster Fælled Torv 34, Copenhagen








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